Stuart Maconie gets John Peel’s Hitlist, 22nd October 1988

July 7, 2008

John Peel Hitlist NME 22nd October 1988

Stuart Maconie hits the nail on the head in his intro, “The Peel Show has brought me moments of Joycean epiphany when pop has shed its scaly skin and changed my life”.

Anyone who listened to Peel even semi regularly has a story about the time they were sat in the kitchen/driving to a party/lying in bed etc. etc. listening to his show when suddenly he played a record that made them feel like they’d been accelerated through space and time whilst being punched senseless. Those very rare moments when music leaves you stupefied, breathless and gasping….”What the fuck is this – this is amazing!”

Inspiral Carpets: Keep the Circle Around (live 2008 performance!)

Wedding Present – Why are you being so reasonable now? (about 3.45 in)

The Siddeleys: Sunshine Thuggery

Dat Blygu: Ugain I Un (can’t find Wyau)

Mighty Force: Thrashing A Dead Horse

Robert Lloyd: Nothing Matters

A Guy Called Gerald: Voodoo Ray

Dinosaur Jr: Freak Scene

Got nothing on Chinhoyi Superstars after a quick search – if you’re determinded and have more time then maybe you’ll have more luck.

3 Responses to “Stuart Maconie gets John Peel’s Hitlist, 22nd October 1988”

  1. ally Says:

    ooooh ta ever so for this – i’ve somehow ended up with only the siddeleys bit of this from when i put that single out so it’s lovely to find the whole page. shame we couldn’t afford a video

  2. […] was with Stuart Marconie and the article was scanned and posted over at the rather excellent Archived Music Press. There’s a thumbnail below. Click on the image to view […]

  3. […] was with Stuart Marconie and the article was scanned and posted over at the rather excellent Archived Music Press. There’s a thumbnail below. Click on the image to view […]

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