David Stubbs reviews the singles of the week, 6th May 1989

Stubbs is, as always, very good value in these reviews. Interesting to note Stubbs take on the Motown resurections of Sam Brown. One can only wonder what Mr. Agreeable would have thought of Amy Winehouse. It would be great if I could compile Spotify playlists for all the tracks featured in these singles of the week review posts but sadly it’s really hard to find more than 50% of the tracks featured. That said, given Stubbs reviews of most of the records here, maybe that’s a good thing? Well I’ve grabbed what I can so judge for yourself (if you have Spotify) here’s the Singles of the week, 6th May 1989 playlist. Yes, the Robert Palmer track is fucking dreadful.

p.s. I’ve got that Telescopes single on 12″

p.p.s. I saw It Bites live around ’87 and the 16 year old me was very impressed by the guitar skills of the singer *hangs head in shame*

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